The inability to conceive a child could be termed infertility. This results from years upon years of fruitless trials of wanting to conceive naturally but to no avail. Infertility is mostly caused as a result of some kind of imperfections in the reproductive organs of either women or a men. In men, it is mostly due to motility or low sperm count while in women it is due to an imbalance of the hormones, fibroids and abnormal functioning of the ovaries. This alone has had some unwanted psychological effects on women who are trying to conceive. The negative effect this could have on one is that the more one thinks of conceiving which could possibly result in excessive anxiousness; the more it affects one’s reproductive organs thereby making the issue worse than expected. This is where health acupuncture comes into play as it helps to salvage the situation.
What then is health acupuncture?
Health acupuncture is simply the Chinese conventional way of medical treatment whereby sterile, thin and disposable needles are used to stimulate desired spots close to the surface of the body. Chinese medical practitioners are of the notion that there are certain acupuncture spots on the body that link energy flow from the body surface to the internal organs. This flow is said to be so important that it helps in controlling physical, emotional and spiritual balance in individuals. One of the ways to maintain this particular flow is by embarking on a regular workout routine to keep the energy flowing all time. Failure to engage yourself in some daily workouts or cultivating poor health habits could stop this particular energy flow and this could lead to unwanted disease or pain. We do know that blood that flows round the body contain energy in form of oxygen. Hence, it could be said that blood carries energy in form of oxygen. If blood stops flowing, then that could lead to a serious danger. It can even lead to death if care not taken. However, through health acupuncture, this can be prevented and avoided as it makes the flow of energy run smoothly to the uterus and ovaries so that they can have access to energy flow.
A major factor in infertility that plague both women and men is too much of stress. When one is filled with stress, it results to the brain releasing a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol blocks the chemical of the brain, thereby affecting the levels of the hormone which in turn affect the functionality of the ovaries. In line with various research and studies, health acupuncture can be used to stimulate and boost fertility by increasing blood flow to the organs of the body, to balance the level of the hormone and to reduce stress. Acupuncture does not just only help to make a woman conceive, but it also goes a long way in helping a woman to bear the child in good health.
From what we have discussed so far about health acupuncture and the role in plays in making conception possible, it would ideally be vital to begin it for the treatment of fertility three to six months before one starts Intrauterine insemination or In Vitro Fertilization processes, because acupuncture helps to improve the ovarian and testicle function so that the couple involved can bear healthy baby with just one IUI or IVF treatment. But on the other hand, if the couple keeps on going through so many cycles of IVF, the artificial hormones can dangerously have an effect on the whole body that could possibly lead to serious future health conditions like early menopause, breast, and ovarian cancer. But as for health acupuncture, it has fewer or no side effects since treatment is carried out naturally.
Having known how important acupuncture for infertility treatment is, it is advisable and wise for one to go for it before embarking on other treatments like IUI or IVF processes in the bid to seek a solution to infertility issue.